Important Messages, such as Service Disruption and Opening Times.

Are usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, excluding public holidays.

Leasey Version 3 is Here and It's On Sale!

Hi to everyone

2015 has certainly been a fantastic year for Leasey. Since its launch in late 2014, we have brought to you significant improvements when using the Microsoft Outlook 2013 and 2016 Calendar, enhancements within LeaseySearch to quickly find information on Google, Amazon, Youtube, Wikipedia and the National Library Service catalogues, a LeaseyGames module containing over 50 games, support for Amazon Kindle, the ability to work with Spotify, Facebook and iTunes, plus many other features. And on the day of the release of JAWS version 17, we were ready with a Leasey update, which included support for Microsoft Office 2016.

Now for the 2015 holiday season, we bring to you Leasey version 3. Here is a summary of the new improvements!


When you create a LeaseyText, (containing a passage of text you wish to reproduce elsewhere), you can now attach an Abbreviation to it. This means you can assign a series of characters to a LeaseyText. When you type those characters in any edit area, followed by a keystroke, Leasey will reproduce the text for you in full including line and paragraph breaks. Many people wanted to have this feature, so we've done all we can to ensure it is the best it can be.

With our special interface for this feature, you can:

  • Select a LeaseyText to which you wish to assign an abbreviation;
  • Be notified of all Abbreviations currently stored;
  • Modify an existing Abbreviation;
  • Delete an Abbreviation;
  • Reproduce an Abbreviation.
  • Now, reproducing frequently used text passages is faster than ever!

    In Time for the Holidays, Ebay is Added to LeaseySearch!

    Using our LeaseySearch facility, you can quickly find anything on eBay. Our newly updated Documentation explains what eBay is and how you can use LeaseySearch to locate items. You can not only search for an item in all categories, but you can also refine it to a specific category, such as Antiques or Cars, Motorcycles and Vehicles.

    Enhancement to LeaseyClips.

    If you use the LeaseyClips feature, you will be pleased we hope with a new enhancement to it.

    Previously, creating a LeaseyClip meant that you needed to select (or highlight) text first within an document, Email or web page. This is now not necessary. You can press the keystroke for the LeaseyClip required, and type any text into the Edit Field ready for permanent storage.

    New Games!

    Two new games from the Spoonbill Software range have now been added to Leasey. These are Fives Dominoes and Draw Dominoes. We hope you enjoy playing them!

    A New Game Exclusive to Leasey with a Memorable Character!

    Truffle Troll, designed by Louise Hartgen and written by Philip Benefal, is a fun and challenging arcade game. Though we're giving it to you for Christmas you will want to play it all the year round.

    You may remember at the end of Treasure Troll, our big friend bought himself an ice cream parlour. Unfortunately he has been unable to keep staff, so he has to run it all by himself, with your help. Can you run to the freezer, collect trays of ice creams, give out orders to customers before they get annoyed enough to start breaking the place up, and remember, if you run too fast you will drop the tray or even fall down, really not good for business. Five minutes of fast-paced fun are guaranteed! Can you make it to the end, where the luxurious rum truffle ice creams come out, serve those and score megapoints?
    Listen to the Truffle Troll Audio Sample!
    Before playing Truffle Troll, be sure to read the Leasey Documentation which clearly explains how to play, together with a comprehensive list of keystrokes. You will also, within Leasey, need to go to the Help menu and select to download the LeaseyGames module so as to benefit from the new games.

    Technical Support.

    Should you require Technical Support in the use of Leasey, this is available on weekdays only, which is Monday to Friday. If you require such support, Do contact us.

    Conclusion and Sale!

    Leasey is at the end of what has been a very exciting year. We hope for lots more developments in 2016 and do keep those suggestions coming! We're delighted that Leasey is now being used by hundreds of people around the world!

    If you have Leasey installed already, you will need to download the product again, a link for which is given further down this page.

    As a special gift to you, our products Leasey and J-Dictate are now on sale, from Friday 27 November through to Monday 30 November inclusive. You can get a 50% reduction on Leasey Total Package, Leasey Advanced and J-Dictate! Don't miss out!
    If you have difficulties in purchasing any product online, simply Send us an Email, stating which product you would like to purchase. We will then send you by Email a fully accessible electronic invoice which you can pay using PayPal or any major credit or debit card. Please include your JAWS serial number in the Email message so we can ensure your product is activated right away!

    We would like to take this opportunity of wishing you all the best for the holidays. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, christmas and new year!
