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It's El-Ectrifying! The Elegance That Is the ElBraille.


Many blind people have been used to working with portable notetaking devices for decades. These are products specifically designed for visually impaired people so as to principally write documents and keep track of appointments. While such devices still have their place, in this ever changing world of technology people often want much more. Meet the ElBraille!

Combined with a Focus Braille display, the ElBraille is a full Windows10 computer with the JAWS screen-reader onboard, accommodated within a small casing making the unit highly portable. Most tasks you can ordinarily carry out using the computer ought to be able to be achieved on the ElBraille despite the fact it contains a Braille entry keyboard. Whether you want to write documents, manage your email, surf the internet, listen to audio, watch videos or TV shows, talk with friends and family, or get involved with social media, it can all be done with the ElBraille!

But how do you learn about it? How do you customise it for best performance? What if the ElBraille is your only communications device and you do not own a computer; where do you begin? All these topics and much more are covered in our training course - It's El-Ectrifying!

While the User Guide provides a good overview of the ElBraille's functions, this training course explores them in far more depth. And, there's nothing like having someone sit alongside you, teaching you how to use a product and where you can hear it in action!

The training course has some core objectives:

  • To teach you how to use the ElBraille if you've never used it before.
  • To help you optimise the ElBraille for best performance. After all, we all want our device to work as smoothly and as fast as possible don't we?
  • To work through everyday examples of using the Braille entry keyboard so as to make the most of this exciting product.
  • To customise it to your own requirements using some advanced techniques.

The new release of the ElBraille contains more processing power and storage than the older model, making it a much more viable proposition for working with computing applications in a portable way. We want you to gain the most from the product you've paid for and this training course will show you how to do it.

What Will I Learn?

The training course is not only for people who own an ElBraille, or who wish to do so, but it is also for people wishing to learn more about it including potential instructors. It is divided into five sessions, with a total running time of over seven hours.

The topics covered include:

ElBraille Setup.

  • An introduction to the ElBraille. What is it? What you can do with it. What it isn't.
  • A physical description of ElBraille.
  • Docking and undocking the Focus display.
  • Turning the ElBraille on and off.
  • Your first experience when ElBraille is started. Configuring your wireless access and activating JAWS.
  • Optional - Installing Leasey Advanced.
  • Customising ElBraille and computing applications for optimum performance.
  • Installing an application to listen to audio content.
  • The ElBraille Rescue menu.

Getting to Know ElBraille.

  • The Braille input commands for controlling Windows and associated applications.
  • The E Keys and how to use them.
  • Turning the speech from JAWS on and off.
  • Accessing status information.
  • The ElBraille Sleep Mode.
  • The ElBraille Main Menu.
  • Using JAWS functions you may know well.
  • Practical examples of using the Braille input keyboard.
  • When to use computer braille input.
  • Optional - Controlling the ElBraille with Leasey.
  • Using your Focus Braille display with a computer.

ElBraille and Everyday Tasks.

  • Writing documents.
  • Navigating text environments.
  • What is Cursor Routing and how does it work?
  • Selecting text for manipulation and what you can do with it.
  • Finding the text inside a document.
  • Using the ElNotes application to work with text-based and audio notes.
  • Accessing and managing Email.
  • An introduction to browsing web pages.
  • Using the ElBraille while out and about.
  • Listening to audio content.
  • Synchronising files between the ElBraille and other devices using cloud storage.

ElBraille Advanced.

  • Optional - Using LeaseySearch to access news, weather, podcasts, other resources and listening to the radio.
  • Customising ElBraille's keys for accessing functions quickly.

Additional Notes.

As has been made clear, the ElBraille contains a great deal of power and flexibility as it is a full Windows computer. However, operating this within the context of a Braille entry keyboard can present some challenges. Moreover, some people still need some other tools in order to ensure they can get things done more easily than traditional Windows applications provide - very similar to how traditional notetakers would have performed. Our Leasey Advanced product, (making applications accessible while providing a raft of tools, utilities and services), not only helps in this regard but it also even improves the usability of the ElNotes application by enhancing its existing feature set in respect of searching for (and selecting text).

To this end, there are two price points for this training course. It can be purchased as a standalone course or with our Leasey product at a reduced rate. Please note that installing Leasey is not an essential requirement. In the most part, the training course assumes you do not have it installed. However, there is no doubt that doing so not only improves access overall, but it will allow you to take advantage of news, weather, podcasts and many other search tools, together with the ability to work with audio-related content.

Please note that the training course does not contain details of how to work with each and every function within an application, such as Microsoft Word. We have other training courses for that. But it will enable you to build your confidence and broaden your skills so as to attempt more functions with the device at a later time.

Next Steps.

All course participants will have access to:

  • All lessons in MP3 audio format.
  • A text transcript comprising the majority of explanations. All our training courses without exception follow a carefully prepared and researched script, so there is no reason why the script for each lesson cannot be distributed for easy reference at a later time.
  • Easy to access Cheat Sheets containing command and keystroke summaries, delivered using plain text with no tables.
  • Access to a secure area of our website from where you can obtain the audio recordings of the lessons, documentation and links to resources discussed.

The cost for this training course is £50 which is approximately $62 US.

Alternatively, any packaged can be purchased by sending an email to, whereupon an electronic invoice can be sent to you, payable with any major credit or debit card.


This training course provides a comprehensive overview of what the ElBraille can do for you. Learn how to use a portable product combining the familiar feel of a Braille device but which at the same time gives you access to the vast array of mainstream computing applications enjoyed by many. Become a seasoned user of a product which looks good and sounds great!
